Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting over the hump

I had an extremely difficult time getting going today. Anorah woke up at 5:30am and my body was not ready for that! I was so tired that I convinced myself that I needed a day off. No getting dressed, no doing the dishes, and no shining the sink.

pI made it through most of the day feeling ok with my decision. When Anorah went down for her 2nd nap I started to hear those pesky voices. They said things like, "You are so lazy.""you deserve to be lazy." And then I started to feel guilty.

It got to the point that there was nothing of interest on the internet and no more TV to be watched. So I decided that I would start a load of laundry. After doing that I thought, "I deserve to bless my home today and my family deserves to live in a blessed home." So I decided to do the dishes and shine my sink. After that I spent some time decluttering the big kitchen counter, and cleaned up Anorah's toys.

When Anorah woke up I realized that I stunk and looked awful. So I took a shower and did my hair and makeup. Right after that I got a call from our good friends interested in an inpromtu get together. I was able to say yes without hesitating! I was dressed and clean and the main areas of my home were also. What a wonderful feeling! And now I'm going to be rewarded by good friends, good conversation, maybe a game, and pizza! What a wonderful surprise!

I've never stuck with any self improvement plan for longer than a few days, I realized I've made it a week. I'm feeling very good about myself and my home. I'm still a work in progress, which is great, and I look forward to continuing my work!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Going Strong!

So far I've done really well with sticking with the fly program. I'm now on day 6! I've explained a lot of what I've been doing and working on with Marc and he's been super supportive, he even helps!

Yesterday I was able to keep the kitchen clean and my sink shining, washed most of the laundry, swept the front walkway and washed the front door. One of the problems that I've been having is getting started as soon as I wake up. I usually shower and get dressed during Anorah's first nap. I also haven't been wearing lace up shoes because it's just too hot. Today I'm finishing up the laundry, and worked on cleaning off the junk counter in the kitchen. All in all I feel like I've been successful and actually look forward to the daily emails with the daily plan and the challenges. Who knew something so simple could make you feel so good!?

Positive moment: I spoke with my mom yesterday and she told me that I was the best mom! It made me feel wonderful! I definitely learned from the best!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anorah updates!

She has her 9 month appointment tomorrow so I'll have updated measurements then. She now says "mama", claps, and can stand without holding onto anything. It's really cute, when she stands she'll balance and then clap her hands! She also likes to push her little activity table around the family room.

Her and Sofie are very good friends. Whenever Anorah wakes up from a nap Sofie runs into her room and stands at her crib. Sofie will also let Anorah have her rawhide bone. We're trying to discourage this but with Sofie's help it's been hard. Anorah and Chewie get along fine, but Chewie is definitely my dog, he tolerates her. Anorah has started wearing 12 month clothes and I don't think it will be long before she outgrows all of her 9 month outfits. I'll update with her measurements tomorrow!

Flying through day 4

I had to work this morning, so I had no choice but to get dressed and put on my shoes. :) But I did empty and load the dishwasher and shine my sink before I left for work. It's amazing how doing something so small can make you feel good about yourself. My goal for this month is to establish some type of laundry routine. There is nothing worse than having to wear a dirty shirt or (gasp) realize you don't have any clean underwear. I plan on doing a load of towels this evening before bed. I still have to complete my babystep for the day, so I'm off to do that!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flying days 2 & 3

I've made it through my third day of babystepping. I need to shine my sink today, but I think I'm doing pretty well!
Positive thought for the day: I'm happy with my ability to do my job. Being a nurse isn't easy, but I like what I do!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

FLY day 1

I was feeling motivated today and I felt like my dirty kitchen sink was mocking me. So I decide to take my first baby step as a FLYbaby and shine my sink. My sink is now sparkling, all of the clean dishes are put away and there are only a small handful of dirty dishes on the counter. It may not be much, but I feel really good about it!

Positive thought for the day: I love that I completed my first goal to getting organized! I can do this!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Learning to FLY

For anyone that knows me outside of work, they know that I am not so organized and messy. For some reason I tend to be the opposite at work. Super organized, efficient, my area stays clean. I'm not sure why I can't incorporate this in my home life. Maybe it's because someone that I don't love is evaluating me?

So part of my problem seems to be that I am a perfectionist. If I can't be perfect why do it at all? I'm also a bit on the lazy side. I'd much rather be on the computer, watching TV, or playing with my little girl.
I am a SHE (sidetracked home executive) and I have a good friend that is also a SHE. So we got together to come up with a plan to try to get organized and help keep our houses clean. It would also become a check system. Sadly I think I am failing at this. So I'm hoping that putting it here and charting my progress with help me.

I did a search and came upon Now I had heard about her before so I had a vague idea what this was about. And my friend and fellow SHE is using this program and is actually making progress in our combined goal. So I decided to sign up and try to stick with it. I signed up 2 days ago and have yet to start. I've decided that I will start on August 1, because a new month also feels like a fresh start.

What is FLY? It means Finally Loving Yourself. Which sounds good to me! I get daily emails with the next days plan, and she has a month of baby steps to get started. Baby steps sound good to me! So that is my plan and I will stick to it!

It's too hot!

Ugh, it's currently 103 degrees outside. This is the 3rd day in a row of 100 degree heat. We had to sleep downstairs last night of the couches (Anorah in the pack n' play) because it was just way too hot upstairs. Luckily we have a window a/c. I've been able to keep the temp inside at 74. Can't wait until this heat wave is over! Today was supposed to be the last day, but I think it's supposed to be another hot one tomorrow. At least I am not at work...

Monday, July 27, 2009

9 months

I am terrible about keeping up with this blog! My little peanut turns 9 months old tomorrow! She is getting big way too fast!

She currently has 2 teeth fully in, the bottom 2. Now there are 5 more trying very hard to make it through. 5 teeth almost in=teething hell! It's gotten a little better the last couple days, no more night wakings screaming in pain at least.

 Anorah is now able to stand alone, but only if she's in the mood! She pulls up on everything, and walks along the furniture. I think I'm going to have an early walker here! Don't know if I'm completely ready for that or not.

I went shopping with Anorah and my MIL today. We got Anorah tons of cute little outfits! I can't wait until they fit! Nothing else completely exciting going on. Until later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Going Green

It's been forever since I've blogged! My little girl has been sick and is feeling much better today, she is also, currently, happily playing alone on her mat.

This year on Earth Day I started thinking about ways that my family could make changes that would have a positive impact on the planet. Now I certainly haven't gone crazy by making my own cloth diapers or anything. I decided to pick one thing to change. Otherwise I'd make all of these huge plans, get overwhelmed, and never get started. So for this year I decided to change the way that I do laundry.
The first thing that I did was eliminate  liquid fabric softeners and dryer sheets. They contain a lot of harmful chemicals and I found a more natural solution to soften fabrics and prevent static. I purchased Fuzzy Wuzzy dryer balls. They are made of 100% wool. You put them in the dryer with your clothes and they keep things fluffy. They also seriously decrease your drying time! I have my dryer on medium heat and a load of towels was finished drying by the time the next load was finished washing. I've never done so much laundry in such a short amount of time! They are awesome so far!
The next thing that I changed was our laundry detergent. I found a natural homemade detergent that is phosphate free, chlorine free, non toxic, planet friendly, and safe for sensitive skin. It's called Crunchy Clean. So far I really like it! It's also pretty neat that you can choose how you want it scented. I think there are almost 50 different options. The one that I'm currently using is Rice Milk & Marshmellow, it's very nice and not overpowering. I'm excited to order more to try another scent! It's a little less expensive than the detergent we were already using even when you calculate the shipping cost. I also plan on using vinegar in the rinse cycle to help with softening, brighten colors, I just haven't tried that yet. We also plan on putting up a clothesline! I'm excited about that! We lined dried most of our clothes when I was younger and nothing beats the smell of sun dried sheets!

I found both of these products on
Some other things that I would like to change in the future are: decrease paper towel use by using cloth, make an effort to use reusable grocery bags, make baby food, try some homemade house cleaning solutions.
What are you doing to be more green?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

3 months!

Anorah and Buddy

Anorah with Sofie

My baby is 3 months old today! I can't believe that time has gone by so quickly. Anorah is getting very big. At her 2 moth appt she weighed 12lbs 2oz and was 22 1/2 inches long! She's gotten bigger since then. She's already outgrown most of her 3 month clothes and is mainly wearing 6 month sizes. Unfortunately for me I bought some really cute spring 6 month sized clothes, hopefully they'll still fit!
Her colic is greatly improved. We no longer have nightly screaming fits. She has moments now and then, but it is nothing like it was. We no longer have to give her gripe water everyday which is nice, it stains!
She is currently sleeping through the night. Yay! She sleeps 7-9 hours straight. I don't sleep through the night, but at least I don't have to spend an hour feeding and soothing a crying baby. We're also transitioning away from co-sleeping. We started out of desperation, and I actually started to really enjoy it. Anorah's been getting more mobile lately, scooting down in the bed and rolling into Marc and I. For safety we thought it would be a good time to transition away from it. She's done 4 nights in a row in her bassinette and it's been wonderful. She still snuggles in bed with me in the morning, so I still get my sleepy baby fix!
She rolled over from back to belly for the first time the other day. She's been trying for awhile and getting very upset about it, I'm so glad she finally made it! Although being stuck on her belly led to new frustrations, LOL! She spends lots of time cooing and "talking" to us now. She's most talkative in the mornings. She prefers sitting up to laying down and is trying to sit herself up. She sits in her bumbo seat a lot. When we eat dinner, we put her in the bumbo on the table so she can spend dinner with us. She likes being part of the action.
Her favorite toys are her FP Rainforest gear. She loves her "little friends" on the swing mobile, the mirror on her play gym, and her best friend is the swinging monkey on her bouncer. She spends lots of time cooing and talking to her monkey! She also really enjoys car rides, she is fascinated with the outside world. She continues to be very stubborn and does things her own way. It started in uteruro and continues today!
We're adjusting very well to our new family. Things have been pretty tight with the new baby and new house, especially since my maternity leave has been entirely unpaid. We made the decision that I will go back to work part time. I start back next Friday. I'm pretty excited actually, I haven't been to work in 4 1/2 months!
In other news, I'm going to be an aunt! My sister in law is pregnant and is due in July. I'm very excited for Sarah and Nick. Hopefully they'll be able to move closer so we can get to know our new niece/nephew. I also have 2 cousins that are expecting. My cousin Kristin and her husband, and my cousin Zachary and his wife, Congratulations! I can't wait for all the new babies!