Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Learning to FLY

For anyone that knows me outside of work, they know that I am not so organized and messy. For some reason I tend to be the opposite at work. Super organized, efficient, my area stays clean. I'm not sure why I can't incorporate this in my home life. Maybe it's because someone that I don't love is evaluating me?

So part of my problem seems to be that I am a perfectionist. If I can't be perfect why do it at all? I'm also a bit on the lazy side. I'd much rather be on the computer, watching TV, or playing with my little girl.
I am a SHE (sidetracked home executive) and I have a good friend that is also a SHE. So we got together to come up with a plan to try to get organized and help keep our houses clean. It would also become a check system. Sadly I think I am failing at this. So I'm hoping that putting it here and charting my progress with help me.

I did a search and came upon Now I had heard about her before so I had a vague idea what this was about. And my friend and fellow SHE is using this program and is actually making progress in our combined goal. So I decided to sign up and try to stick with it. I signed up 2 days ago and have yet to start. I've decided that I will start on August 1, because a new month also feels like a fresh start.

What is FLY? It means Finally Loving Yourself. Which sounds good to me! I get daily emails with the next days plan, and she has a month of baby steps to get started. Baby steps sound good to me! So that is my plan and I will stick to it!

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