Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book Review- I Am Hutterite by Mary-Ann Kirkby

I just finished reading I Am Hutterite by Mary-Ann Kirkby, and loved it! It was neat to get a peak of the day to day life of another culture. I had never heard the term Hutterite before and was intrigued by the description of the book.

The book starts out with the story of her mother, Mary. Lots of descriptions of day to day life of a Hutterite family, especially the woman's role. At times I got confused at the time line of when things were happening as it seemed to jump around. That being said I found myself lost in this book and completely absorbed in the story. A lot of the descriptions had a romantic quality to them and I found myself dreaming of what life had been like.
In the story when Mary-Ann is born the time-line gets less confusing and the story as an innocent quality as told from the eyes of a child. It's not hard to relate to the struggles of trying to fit in as described after her family had left the Hutterite community. And it's amazing to me how much determination her family had to make it on their own and thrive.
I found myself wishing that I had grown up in a community like hers. The structure and simplicity of life is very appealing.
I would recommend this book to others. I found it a quick and interesting read, that provided a special glimpse into a life so different from my own.


  1. Excellent review. Thank you! I'm about a quarter into this book and it's a bit boring so far. She is an excellent author though...I'm was born and raised, and still live, in a Hutterite colony so I'll keep reading it...check out my blog if you can find the time!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. Your daughter is a cutie. Thanks for letting me visit.
